The Easel

13th July 2021

Gustave Moreau at Waddesdon Manor review — dark and decadent

The writer politely notes that the nineteenth century Symbolist movement was a bit over-the-top. So, when Moreau, one of its stars, painted La Fontaine’s Fables – with their monsters and demons – the result was always likely to be an explosion of “madcap imaginings”. It was. “The first image we see is an allegory of Fable herself, flying across the sky on the back of a hippogriff … [whose] wings are a blue so intense they would shame a sunlit peacock. “Wow,” I gulped.”

6th July 2021

Sabine Weiss: A Century of Photography

Nearing 100 years old, Weiss has recently stopped taking pictures, but awards and recognitions continue. She, along with Robert Doisneau and Willy Ronis, helped established the humanist school of photography that is now synonymous with black-and-white street photography. And, she reminds, she did it without assistants. Her images are all spontaneous, she says – “I photograph to preserve the ephemeral.” A good bio piece is here.