The Easel

30th July 2019

Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing

Da Vinci’s impatience is revealed by his output – fewer than 20 completed paintings but many thousands of pages of drawings. Few projects came to fruition, so the drawings are a record of his thinking. They show what we all know – his art reflected a scientific mind. One of the last drawings he did, of an old man, also reveals his humanity: “He redraws this old man’s nose again and again no longer sure of himself.”

Curator Clare Lilley on David Smith

Seeing photographs of some Picasso metal sculptures was, for Smith, an epiphany. He went on to explore metal sculpture in a body of work that “had no precedent”. Like a collagist, “material determined imagery”, and Smith used “tools, off-cuts, boiler lids, waste and bought steel” to create works with a strong human narrative. At his funeral he was described as “delicate as Vivaldi and as strong as a Mack truck”.