The Easel

5th February 2019

Elisabeth Frink’s Human Bestiary

Anxieties about war didn’t show in Frink’s daily life but sure did in her art. Her 1960’s “goggle head” forms are noble but also sinister. The later Riace figures suggest “a warrior as the aggressor and a brutalized victim”. Immune to the emergence of abstract art around her, these natural forms were the perfect vehicle to express the “coexistence of empathy and dread in [her] moral imagination.”

29th January 2019

Midlife Crisis on an Unlimited Budget: Marc Newson’s Furniture for the 1%

Since designing the Lockheed lounge and Embryo chair Newsom has been at “the very apex” of design. Most reviews of his current show are gushing – “a form of alchemy … furniture pieces of immense beauty.” Not so the linked piece. It worries about “objects as hyper-commodities” and wishes Newsom would show “he can still be ingenious on the cheap”.  More images are here.