The Easel

5th June 2018

Celebrating the Life and Work of Thomas Chippendale

Chippendale is the most magical name in fine furniture. The tercentenary of Thomas Chippendale’s birth is being celebrated on both sides of the Atlantic. His pieces stand out for their beauty and outstanding craftsmanship. Mies Van Der Rohe apparently said “a chair is a very difficult object. A skyscraper is almost easier. That is why Chippendale is famous”.

29th May 2018

Versailles for Sore Eyes

Versailles, thinks the writer, is “not nearly as good as it looks”. Louise XIV wanted a grand palace that displayed the power of his realm. Alas, attention to detail was not his forte and the architecture is uneven. Nevertheless, the interiors are fab (in places) and the gardens an inspiration to town planners everywhere. Multiple images are here and video (3 min) here.