The Easel

14th September 2021

9/11: Trials And Triumphs Of The ‘Tribute In Light’

Each year on the anniversary of 9/11, two towers of light are switched on in New York city. These “ghostly columns” shine from dusk to dawn and are a notable piece of public art. Leaving aside the squabbles about who first came up with the idea for the memorial, what stands out is the idea that, in a crisis, people wanted “a powerful artwork”. One writer, looking at the square rigs of spotlights, says ”I could not avoid the sensation that it was a church”.

With Pleasure

This exhibition of Pattern and Decoration works was praised when shown in Los Angeles. Less so in New York. The 1970’s movement opposed the austerity of Minimalism and the claimed superiority of fine art. Some works have merit, concedes the writer, but many pieces would suit “hotel gift shops”. And even Japan, with its long craft tradition, still distinguishes between that and fine art. Still, whatever you make of these arguments, “decoration is worthy of admiration”.