The Easel

30th July 2019

Pining for the Moon

Galileo drew the first detailed map of the moon in 1609. Four centuries of study later and the moon has lost most of its mystery. It is completely familiar. What it has not lost is its ability to evoke a sense of romance. On the anniversary of the moon landing, this exhibition of moon-related art and photography is surely the most resonant – and inevitable – of the year.

23rd July 2019

Drill, Baby, Drill: Hito Steyerl Stares Down Hidden Histories at New York’s Park Avenue Armory

Steyerl is a visual artist with an agenda. Her commentary on technology, media and contemporary culture – in film, video and writing – is widely acclaimed. While not every one of her works is equally successful, their cumulative eloquence is undeniable – images on social media are an all-pervasive influence. As one critic notes “You can’t log off when the internet and the world are one”.

The 25 Works of Art That Define the Contemporary Age

The New York Times tries for the impossible – a shortlist of contemporary artworks that define our age. A group of artists and curators produces a list. Few auction room stars, few paintings, little consensus. Instead, what emerges is a profile of art world preoccupations with identity and today’s fractured political discourse. Inclusive, idiosyncratic, inconclusive, interesting.