The Easel

28th August 2018

Art by Algorithm

Online aesthetics are driven by algorithms that “optimize” our experience. Is this a good thing? “What we crave most in art, what we reward more than anything else, is surprise. Computation is not good at this. [It produces] an increasingly perfect average. The visceral reaction is to rebel against these simulations of progress and perfection.”

21st August 2018

Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Decisive Moment at the International Center of Photography

Cartier-Bresson is synonymous with the term ‘the decisive moment’. That is often taken to mean a split-second action shot – like his famous image of a man jumping a puddle. But, as a New York show highlights, this view is too narrow. Cartier-Bresson’s aim was bigger; to capture the ephemeral event that revealed a bigger truth, to “”trap” life – to preserve life in the act of living.”

‘Icons of Style: A Century of Fashion Photography’ at the Getty Museum reveals the limits of the art form

A survey of fashion photography exposes some deep fault lines – notably, is fashion photography art? One reviewer makes the case strongly, even while admitting it is the “bastard stepchild of the fine art world”. This writer is unsatisfied. Of course it is art, but “of a distinctly minor sort. As art, fashion photography is thinner than a supermodel. Call it anorexia aesthetica.”