The Easel

11th December 2018

Richard Long: The Tide is High

In a show that mostly gets respectful reviews,  one critic asks a bigger question. Is this “giant of British art” still on the cutting edge? “The old certainties about what is certifiable ‘avant-garde’, still extant in the 1980s, have mysteriously vanished. [Long’s works] still seem to whisper under their breath ‘Bonjour, Monsieur Monet’. They are drifting away from the world we inhabit now.”

4th December 2018

Fernand Léger: The French artist whose abstract mechanical paintings were called Tubism

The ghastly experiences of WW1 did not dim Léger’s optimism. He expected technology would improve the quality of life. His art perfectly captures this outlook – ‘cylinder figures’, advertising iconography, forward thrust. Not the greatest show, critics think, but one that nonetheless reveals a “trail blazing artist fully engaged with the world around him”. More images are here.