The Easel

16th May 2023

Portraits of Dogs: London’s Wallace Collection explores canine character and charm

You are either a dog person, or you aren’t. The above writer extols a London show of dog portraits, claiming “there’s a human story behind every painted pooch”. In particular,  dogs have long appeared in portraits to impute admirable qualities to their masters. Another critic, not a dog lover, is having none of this, arguing that the show is a “sickly cocktail”. The 19th century animal artist Landseer is “awful, [his paintings] trite, nauseous …bring your aesthetic pooper-scooper”.

9th May 2023

Auerbach, grand master of paint, as hot-wired as a live grenade at 92

Gushing admiration. Portraiture features prominently in Auerbach’s career, including his near obsession with painting just a handful of sitters. Only now, at 91 has the “Grand Old Master of British Art“ produced a series of self-portraits. These works are a “hard, uncompromising quest to take stock of human decline” with paint strokes that “almost disguise the likeness while exposing the interior of the mind. One of the most astonishing exhibitions of self-portraiture ever seen in London”.