The Easel

12th June 2018

‘Made in L.A. 2018’: Why the Hammer biennial is the right show for disturbing times

There is sometimes not a lot to say about biennales. The eponymous biennial in Los Angeles is a little different in its diversity and focus on emerging artists. Rather than revealing a characteristic LA style (“72 suburbs in search of a city”, notes one writer) it provides a cross-section of current artistic practices and preoccupations. More detail on some artists is here.

5th June 2018

Summit in Senegal

Peering through the jargon it seems that Dak’Art, Africa’s largest biennale, was a success. African art is growing in appeal to Western collectors but local galleries, museums and writers are emerging only slowly. The market’s “nerve center” is in distant London. Without more supportive infrastructure, says the Dak’Art curator, African art “will continue to be invisible”.